Signed in as:
Wabash and Ohio Valley Special Education District
Wabash and Ohio Valley Special Education DistrictWabash and Ohio Valley Special Education DistrictWabash and Ohio Valley Special Education DistrictWelcome
Signed in as:
The schools of the Wabash and Ohio Valley Special Education District, recognizing the need for equal education opportunity among all students, will strive to offer programs and services which afford the children with disabilities of the various districts the best possible preparation for active participation in a democratic society.
Wabash and Ohio Valley Special Education District (WOVSED)
is a Special Education Joint Agreement between the twenty-one K thru 12 School Districts located in Edwards, Gallatin, Hamilton, Hardin, Pope, Saline, Wabash, Wayne and White Counties in Southeastern Illinois.
WOVSED provides special education services and resources to the students, parents, teachers and administrators of our Member School Districts.
You are invited to join WOVSED for the 2025 Summer Academy.
The dates of this year’s academy are June 9th - 12th. All sessions will take place in-person.
The registration form and description of the sessions may be found on the WOVSED website at or click here. Please distribute to anyone who may be interested.
For questions regarding the 2025 Summer Academy, please call Jennifer at 618-378-2131 or email at
Parents of students who have Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) in the Edwards County school district or Harrisburg school district are being asked to share their feedback through an online parent survey. Surveys will be mailed from Measurement, Incorporated. If you receive the parent survey, please take a few minutes to complete it before June 15, 2025. Your opinions are very important to us. Your answers will be combined with those from other parents to help the state and individual school districts improve family-school partnerships in special education. No one from your school district will know how you answered the survey questions.
Board Certified Behavior Analyst
School Psychologist
Special Education Teacher
Speech Language Pathologist
Teacher of Students who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing
Our team of experts includes special education teachers, speech therapists, occupational therapists, and behavior analysts, all with extensive experience working with children with special needs. We are dedicated to staying up-to-date with the latest research and best practices in the field.
Preschool screenings have been scheduled for Spring of 2025. Please see the link below for dates.
Text HOME to 741741 for free, 24/7 crisis counseling.
800 South Division Street, Norris City, Illinois 62869
Phone - (618) 378-2131 Fax - (618) 378-3153
Monday - Friday
8:00 am - 3:30 pm
The health and safety of our students is out top priority, so we want to share with you information
that the Illinois Department of Public Health has published for schools throughout the state.