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School-based physical therapy (PT) is a special education related service whose primary purpose is to develop the skills and abilities needed for a student to be successful at school through improved functional gross motor skills, mobility, and environmental adaptations.
School-based occupational therapy is available for students who are eligible for special education services. Occupational therapists complete assessments and work with other members of the school-based team to help determine what is needed for a student to receive a free appropriate public education in the least restrictive environment.
Speech-Language Pathologists (SLP) work with children who have communication problems that affect success in: classroom activities, social interaction, literacy and learning.
School Social Workers are a vital part of the total educational team in school. They work in coalition with teachers, administrators, counselors, psychologist, nurses, speech pathologists and other staff. School Social Workers attempt to integrate information from these sources with the student's overall social, emotional, behavioral and adaptive functioning in school, at home and within the community to develop a whole child focus. School Social Workers' unique training and perspective enables them to understand the interaction of the individual and his/her environment.
School psychologists have specialized training in both psychology and education. They use their training and skills to team with educators, parents, and other mental health professionals to ensure that every child learns in a safe, healthy and supportive environment. School psychologists understand school systems, effective teaching and successful learning. Today’s children face more challenges than ever before. School psychologists can provide solutions for tomorrow’s problems through thoughtful and positive actions today.
Students eligible to attend must be receiving services through WOVSED.
Services provided:
Independent Living & Development, Vocational Assessment & Development, and Social Skills Assessment & Development.
Activities may include:
Rules, Menu Planning & Preparation, Proper Cleaning Demonstrations, Student Interviews, Vocational Assessments, Money Management Activities, Laundry Skills Training, Job Shadowing & Volunteering Activities, Daily Living Skills Training, Healthy/Safe Living Training
The Norris City Annex serves students whose needs cannot be adequately met in their home school districts, including students who are struggling with emotional and/or behavioral issues and students with communication difficulties. The primary focus is to give the students the social and behavioral skills they need to successfully return to their home schools. There is no predetermined time frame; this can take anywhere from a few months to several years, depending on the students’ progress and the decisions of the IEP team.
The screenings are open to any 3-5 year old child, not yet eligible for kindergarten. The purpose of the preschool screening is to screen development in the areas of vision, hearing, motor, speech, language, cognition and social functioning. The preschool screening is designed to screen a child’s development and assist in identifying children who may require further evaluation to determine eligibility for special education services or those who may be eligible for a state-funded preschool program. The screening is provided at no cost to families.
An audiological evaluation is a series of diagnostic procedures used to determine the type, degree, and configuration of hearing loss. This information can be beneficial in developing an appropriate plan for school-based services.
The Secondary Training Experience Program (S.T.E.P.) is a training/placement program designed to prepare students with disabilities for transition into employment with optimum community participation during and after graduation from high school. During the student's junior and senior year, the student will be provided with customized services that are responsive to the educational needs and learning style of the student and will include linkages to education, community agencies, and adult services.
Children with disabilities sometimes need and are entitled to special equipment and services to ensure that they have access to a free and appropriate education (FAPE). Assistive technology includes both devices and services.
During the IEP process, assistive technology must be considered for every child and then provided by districts if required in a child's IEP to access a free and appropriate public education (FAPE).
In addition to the above services, the WOVSED main office in Norris City also houses additional agencies associated with providing services to students and families.
Jill Fulkerson, Director
The Ohio and Wabash Valley Regional Vocational System (OWVRVS) develops and fosters partnerships among schools, between business and education and between parents, communities and schools that are mutually beneficial. The Fiscal Agent for OWVRVS is the Regional Office of Education #20.
Special Olympics is a global organization that unleashes the human spirit through the transformative power and joy of sport, every day around the world. Special Olympics Illinois is a not-for-profit organization offering year-round training and competition in 18 sports for more than 23,000 athletes with intellectual disabilities and nearly 20,000 Young Athletes ages 2-7 with and without intellectual disabilities.